TypeScript Branding: Unlocking the Power of Distinct Types

TypeScript Branding: Unlocking the Power of Distinct Types


TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, has gained immense popularity among developers due to its robust type system and tooling support. One of the lesser-known yet powerful features of TypeScript is branding, which allows developers to create distinct types even when the underlying data structures are similar. In this article, we'll explore the concept of branding, the problems it solves, and how it can be implemented to enhance code maintainability and type safety.

Problem we face for two different interfaces with similar properties

In real-world applications, it's common to have multiple interfaces or types that share similar properties. For example, consider a scenario where you have a User interface and an Employee interface, both containing properties like name and age. While these interfaces may appear distinct, TypeScript treats them as compatible types, allowing you to accidentally pass a User object to a function expecting an Employee object, or vice versa.

This lack of distinction between similar types can lead to subtle bugs and type errors that may go unnoticed during development, potentially causing runtime issues or unexpected behavior.

Here's an example to illustrate the problem:

interface User {
  name: string;
  age: number;

interface Employee {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  department?: string;

function processEmployee(employee: Employee) {
  console.log(`Name: ${employee.name}, Age: ${employee.age}, Department: ${employee.department}`);

const user = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30 };
processEmployee(user); // This won't raise a TypeScript error, but it's incorrect

In the above code, we have two interfaces, User and Employee, with similar properties. The processEmployee function expects an Employee object, but we're passing a User object to it. TypeScript doesn't raise an error because it considers the User type compatible with the Employee type due to structural typing.

Here, brand comes into picture

To solve this problem and enforce strict type safety, TypeScript introduces the concept of branding. Branding allows you to create a unique type by combining an existing type with a brand (a unique string literal type or a unique object type). This brand acts as a distinguishing marker, ensuring that similar types are treated as distinct and incompatible.

How TypeScript fixes this issue

TypeScript fixes this issue by creating branded types for User and Employee. These branded types are created by intersecting the original types with their respective brands, resulting in distinct and incompatible types. This way, even though the underlying properties are similar, TypeScript can differentiate between the two types and catch any potential type errors during development.

// Brand for User
type UserBrand = {
  __brand: 'user';

// Brand for Employee
type EmployeeBrand = {
  __brand: 'employee';

// Branded types
type BrandedUser = User & UserBrand;
type BrandedEmployee = Employee & EmployeeBrand;

function processEmployee(employee: BrandedEmployee) {
  // Process employee data
  console.log(`Name: ${employee.name}, Age: ${employee.age}, Department: ${employee.department}`);

const user: BrandedUser = { name: 'John Doe', age: 30, __brand: 'user' };
const employee: BrandedEmployee = { name: 'Jane Smith', age: 35, department: 'Sales', __brand: 'employee' };

processEmployee(user); // This will now raise a TypeScript error
processEmployee(employee); // This is correct

In this example, we create unique brands (UserBrand and EmployeeBrand) for User and Employee types, respectively. These brands are simple object types with a unique string literal property __brand. Then, we create branded types (BrandedUser and BrandedEmployee) by intersecting the original types with their corresponding brands.

Now, if we try to pass a BrandedUser object to the processEmployee function, TypeScript will raise an error because the BrandedUser type is no longer compatible with the BrandedEmployee type. This enforces strict type safety and prevents accidental mixing of similar types.


TypeScript branding is a powerful technique that allows developers to create distinct types, even when the underlying data structures are similar. By leveraging branding, you can enhance code maintainability, catch potential type errors during development, and ensure that your application adheres to strict type safety principles.

Branding is particularly useful in scenarios where you're working with complex type hierarchies, dealing with third-party libraries, or when you need to enforce strict type boundaries between similar types. While branding may seem like a small feature, it can have a significant impact on the overall quality and robustness of your TypeScript codebase.

By embracing TypeScript branding, you can unlock the full potential of the language's type system, write more reliable and maintainable code, and ultimately deliver higher-quality applications to your users.